I have been battling with internet stalkers for over two and a half years. One has even shown up at my home, which we have captured on camera. Another stalker continues to harass me online, sending messages from different accounts and using my images to deceive people.

I want to make it clear that my husband and I have taken this matter to the authorities. We have already provided them with all the IP addresses that have been accessing this site at irregular intervals, some as frequently as every two minutes. A few IP addresses have visited this site hundreds of times in just the past few weeks. I have not updated this site since I shut down my personal social media account 2 years ago. We have already excluded family and friends ’ IP addresses that have visited this site. We are determined to identify these individuals and take strong legal action against them. I want to apologize to everyone who has been affected by this. I never imagined I would have to deal with such a situation, but I am done living in fear.

I am unsure if it's one person or multiple individuals, but if you are experiencing something similar, please seek help. To the person or individuals responsible: I hope it was worth it. I want to make it explicitly clear that I am a private citizen, not a public one, with legal rights. Any attempt to claim otherwise will be considered identity theft, including any online impersonation.